Psalm 46:10
I am now a baby-boomer in my early 60’s, and am processing the world as it is compared to the world as it was when I was younger. When I was a kid, I remember going to my grandparents during the summer. This was an annual ritual for two weeks. I loved it. I distinctly recall that summer storms were responded to with being still and NO talking. Everything electric was turned off. We sat still, in the dark. Why? My grandparents said, “Be still. God is talking.” People laugh at them now and say, “Isn’t that cute.” I don’t laugh. I believe they had something there. Folks don’t understand when God is trying to get their attention. Now that the world is shut down in April 2020, has God gotten YOUR attention, or are you rationalizing it away with another scientific explanation? The entire world is shut down. What excuse do you really have for not being still to recognize that God is God, and He is trying to get your attention? The Psalmist records the Words of God saying to “Be still and know that I am God.” What does God mean? He wants yo to STOP trying to make your life happen the way you want it to happen, and realize exactly Who is truly in charge. You can’t recognize God if you are always on the go. Man messes everything up, but God can make it better. Sit still for a while just as I learned to do when I was a kid. God is talking. Let Him talk! Find out what He is saying to yuou about you, and what plans He has for your life. You will be surprised.
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